Friday, February 15, 2013

How Do I Find The Best Choices for Medicare?

How do you "find the best" information for making good choices in the Medicare system? 

Certainly, the U.S. government websites, Consumer's Union, and several others provide tools that are worth adding to your arsenal of resources as you evaluate and re-evaluate your selections each year. Another one that merits your attention is FindTheBest.Com.

Readers of this blog have told me that the FindTheBest tool in the sidebar for Finding The Best Nursing Home has been helpful. There are other resources being made available by these folks that I'd like to suggest.

The following post was written by Ryan Franco of

"If the time has come for either yourself or a loved one to choose a Medicare plan, read on.  At a glance, the Medicare industry has a tendency to confuse and intimidate, as sifting through all the Government data can be an uphill climb.

"The Government guides us to first decide between an original Medicare or Medical Advantage plan.  Next is the decision if you want prescription drug coverage (Part  D).  Finally, you decide if you want Supplemental coverage (Original Medicare only) or not.  Meanwhile you wouldn't be wrong to consider how the Medicare industry may change in the upcoming years.  It is safe to assume, you would want the best coverage for yourself or loved ones; and with so many variables to consider, the selection process becomes unclear.

"Today there is a powerful tool that compares the options in an unbiased format, and organizes the data about:

Medicare Part-D providers

"The data is presented in a consumer friendly format so that you can make quick and informed decisions based on what's important to you.  The three mentioned comparisons allow you to search and compare your options by overall ratings, drug & health plan ratings, monthly premiums, and more. 

"Moreover, if you were to have a question about the Benefits within the Medicare Supplement plan, the Medicare Supplement guide breaks down how to choose between plans, benefits, Medigap Policies, and more.  The Guides, found at the top of each respective comparison, are a great resource to find answers to your questions, useful definitions, and FAQ's.

"So when you are researching providers, plans, and whether or not you want supplemental coverage, check out this easy to use resource to get the facts.  Once you have narrowed down your options, you can even compare your top choice (side by side).  This helps to really take everything into consideration when finalizing that decision. 

"The different paths down Medicare avenue are an important decision, but they don't have to be as dificult as they may appear.  Take your time when choosing a plan, research your options considering the benefits of each, then go and make an informed decision on what's best for you."

Check out the links referenced by Ryan Franco in the above quote. If they are helpful to you please let us know with your comments.